Our consulting = your competitive advantage

  • Compliance with environmental regulatory requirements
  • Environmental duties on time
  • Preparing the business for regulatory changes

  • Purpose

    • Successfully navigate your environmental requirements
    • Act on your behalf on environmental issues
    • Your company meets all the requirements of environmental protection regulations

    Full scope

    • Packaging
    • Cells and batteries 
    • Electrical and electronic equipment
    • Waste management, incl. hazardous waste
    • Emissions of greenhouse gases and other substances into the air
    • Emissions of pollutants into water
    • Soil pollution
    • Devices containing F-gases
    • Environmental permits and decisions
    • Annual reports to appropriate offices and units

    Forms of advisory

    • Ongoing outsourcing: as your external environmental protection department
    • Ongoing advisory: as a support for your environmental protection department
    • Consultancy: depending on your needs and environmental topics